Wednesday, September 2, 2015

TotalSum - Having fun with Maths

Having fun with Maths

This App is an educational / puzzle app designed to enhance your mental arithmetic skills.

The game consists on selecting 6 numbers and seeing if you can form a sum to reach the generated target.

You may use and of the standard arithmetic operators + , -, x or ÷ as well as using brackets to control the precedence of operators.

Here is an example of a puzzle

and the completed puzzle. 


There are 4 game types

  • Large & Small
  • Random Numbers
  • Challenge Games
  • 10 Games in 10 Minutes
  • Plus & Minus
each of which can be played with a time timer set to ON or OFF.

Below is an example of the game in Action

Game Screen

To play the game tap on the numbers and operators to form a complete sum that adds up to the target total.

Tapping on a number or operator will insert it at the cursor position.
The current sum it automatically recalculated after each number or operator is placed on the board.

The current total is displayed in the status bar, along with the difference between the current total and the Target.

When the game first starts, a spinner appears indicating that the app is calculating whether a solution is possible. Once the checking is complete, the spinner is replaced with a tick if a solution is possible or a cross if  a solution is not possible.

A timer is displayed, which displays either 
  • The time left if the game is being timed
  • The time of the game
When a the current total is the nearest total to the target achieved the current game the new closest total is displayed.

The back arrow deleted the tile to the left of the cursor and recalculated the current total.
The refresh button will restart the game, clearing all the operators from the board and returning any placed numbers to their starting positions.

The Help button, will display some details on the target. (see Research Target below).

Tapping on "New Game" will close the current game and return to the previous screen.

Research Target

This screen shows 

  • The Divisors of the current target.
  • Buttons that will show number tables for each of the game numbers.
  • Buttons that will show the Divisor and remainder of the total for each of the game numbers.

Large & Small
In this game type you select 6 times, selecting either large numbers or small numbers.

The large numbers are selected from
25, 50, 75 or 100

The small numbers are selected from

Tapping anywhere in the large number section will select one large number.
Similarly tapping anywhere in the small number section will select one small number.

Pressing the refresh button will clear the currently selected numbers allowing numbers to be re-selected.

Once six numbers have been selected, tapping the start button will start the game.

Random Numbers
In this game type random numbers between 1 & maximum number are selected.
The Maximum numbers may be changed by tapping on the + button or - button.

Tapping generate will 6 random numbers.

Once selected tapping Start will start the game.

Challenge Games

There are a number of challenge games that are more difficult than the average randomly generated games.

The list is split into 2 sections
  • Large & Small
  • Random

Each game may be hidden by tapping on the hide button.

Tapping on the "All" button will unhide all the challenge games.

10 Games in 10 Minutes
In this game type you have a ten minute time limit to play 10 games with a single set of numbers.
First you select a set of numbers, either "Large & Small" or "Random" you are then presented with the Ten in Ten minutes Main screen.

 This status screen shows the number of Games played, the time remaining and the number of Games Played and Solved.
Plus & Minus

This is a very simplified version of the game. The game consists of selecting 6 numbers and combining them using the plus and minus operators.

Note that the total can always be achieved.


This screen shows your current statistics. 

The screen is broken down into a number of sections
  • All Games
  • Timed Games
Random Games
Tapping on the Trophy Button will display a list of Trophies that have been awarded.

Tapping on the reset button will display a warning confirming that you want to rest all the statistics to zero.
TrophiesThis screen shows various the trophies that have awarded.

This screen shows various settings for the game.

The Game Time Limit can be set to "ON" or "OFF".
The length of the time limit can be adjusted in intervals of 10 seconds by using the + and - buttons.

Tapping on the Reset Statistics, will reset the number of games played / Solved and remove all Trophies awarded.
Restart Saved Game
This will restart the last game played.


There are a number of demos of how to play the game.

  • Basics
  • Multiplication
  • Using Brackets
  • Highlighting Tiles
  • Moving the cursor
Selecting one of the buttons will display a screen that simulates the game screen

tapping on the arrow at the bottom of the screen shows the next step in the demo

Here are some video that cover the features of the game

Playing the game

Using the Research Target Screen

Selecting Large & Small Nmbers

Select Random Numbers

Select Challenge Games

Game type Plus & Minus

Statistics & Settings